Đề ôn thi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the followingquestions.

Question 1. A. decided                      B. moved                     C.carried                     D.believed

Question 2. A. beat                            B. repeat                      C. interest                   D. meat

Question 3. A. pens                            B. closets                     C. sweets                    D. lamps

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 

Question 4. A. nervous                      B. cheerful                  C. tasty                       D.regret

Question 5. A. typical                        B. comedy                   C.separate                  D. unlucky

Question 6. A. fascinating                 B. military                   C. discovery                D.reasonable

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 

Question 7. If you ________away , I will send for a policeman.

A. not go                                 B. don’t go                C. hadn’t gone         D. didn’t go 

Question 8.They said that they had been driving through the desert________.

A.the previous day                                                      B.the day after            

C. yesterday                                                                D. the following day

Question 9. Don’t talk in class, ________?

A.won’t you                            B. do you                    C. will you                  D. don’t you

Question 10. There was ________accident yesterday at ________corner of the street.

A. an/ the                                B. a/ the                       C. the/ an                    D. the/ the

Question 11. She couldn't ________the final test due to her laziness.

A. get in                                  B. get over                  C. get out of                D. get down

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Đề ôn thi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12
the desert________.
A.the previous day	B.the day after	
C. yesterday	D. the following day
Question 9. Don’t talk in class, ________?
A.won’t you	B. do you	C. will you	D. don’t you
Question 10. There was ________accident yesterday at ________corner of the street.
A. an/ the	B. a/ the	C. the/ an	D. the/ the
Question 11. She couldn't ________the final test due to her laziness.
A. get in	B. get over 	C. get out of	D. get down
Question12. I'm bored. Shall we ________this evening?
A. go off	B. go out	C. go on	D. go over
Question 13. They ________in love with each other when they first met.
A. fell	B. climbed	C. flew	D. went
Question 14. If you study English seriously, ________you'll become good at it.
A. at first	B. in the beginning	C. sooner or later	D. just in time
Question 15. My brother is ________with his new job.
A. occupied	B. occupation	C. occupational	D. occupy
Question 16.These children often share their ________secrets with their mother
A. person	B. personal	C. personable	D. personally
Question 17.The pointless war between the two countries left thousands of people dead and seriously ________.
A. injured 	B. wounded 	C. spoilt 	D. damaged 
Question 18. You _______ take your umbrellA. It is not raining.
A. mustn’t 	B. couldn’t	C. needn’t	D. may not
Question 19.In 1990, the world had no deaths from rabies. Scientists________wonderful vaccine.
A. can’t have discovered	B. were supposed to discover
C. must have discovered	D. should have discovered
Question 20.The monk insisted that the tourists________the temple until they had removed their shoes.
A. not entering	B. not to enter	C. not enter	D. entered
Question 21. I’m sorry that I missed seeing my old friend at your party. I wish I________.
A. had been there	B. may have been there
C. have been there 	D. should have been there
Question 22.________rain or snow, there are always more than fifty thousand fans at the football games.
A. Despite	B. Although 	C. Because	D. Because of
Questi...	B. does he know	C. knows he	D. knew he 
Question 31. Hamlet____________byShakespeare at the end of the sixteenth century.
	A. had written	B. wrote	C. had been written	D. was written
Question 32.Linguistics________out the ways in which languages work.
A. find	B. founded	C. finds	D. finding
Question 33.He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he ________dinner.
A. finish	B. finishes	C. will finish	D. shall have finished
Question 34.WHO's main activities are carrying out research on ________development and improving international healthy care.
A. medicable	B. medicine	C. medical	D. medically
Question 35.________me how to play the drum.
	A. It was my uncle who taught	B. My uncle who taught
	C. It was my uncle taught	D. It is my uncle teaching
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 36. I prefer to talk to people face to face, rather than to talk on the phone.
	A. facing them	B. in person	C. looking at them	D. seeing them
Question 37. In many countries, people who are jobless get unemployment benefit.
A. dole	B. pension	C. fee	D. scholarship
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 38. Primary education in the United States is compulsory.
A. selective	B.optional	C.required	D.free of charge
Question 39. Mr. Smith's new neighbors appear to be very friendly.
A. amicable	B.inapplicable	C.hostile	D.futile
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges.
Question40. Mr. Black: “I’d like to try on these shoes,please.”
A.That’sright, sir.	B. By all means, sir.	C.I’d love to.	D. Why not?
Question41.“Today’s my 20th birthday.”-“________”
A.Idon’t understand.	B. Take care!	
C. Many happy returns.	D. Hav...
Question 46.“If I were you, I wouldn’t drink so much wine,” he said
A.He advised me to drink so much wine.
B.He advised me drinking so much wine.
C.He advised me not to drinking so much wine.
D.He advised me not to drink so much wine.
Question 47. David turned off the light, then he went to bed.
A.Before David went to bed, he had turned off the light. 
B.Before David turned off the light, he had gone to bed. 
C.After David had gone to bed, he turned off the light.
D.David turned off the light as soon as he had gone to bed.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 48. The man was rude. He was wearing a red shirt.
A. The man who was wearing a red shirt was rude.
B. The man, who was wearing a red shirt was rude.
C. The man who wearing a red shirt was rude.
D. The man which was wearing a red shirt was rude.
Question 49.Trash cans have been placed all over campus. Students still throw garbage on the ground.
A.Although trash cans have been placed all over campus, students still throw garbage on the ground.
B.Because trash cans have been placed all over campus, students still throw garbage on the ground.
C.Unless trash cans have been placed all over campus, students still throw garbage on the ground.
D.When trash cans have been placed all over campus, students still throw garbage on the ground.
Question 50.I think my hair looks fine. My mother believes it needs a little more brushing.
	A. Not only do I think my hair looks fine, but my mother also believes it needs a little more brushing.
	B. My mother believes my hair needs a little more brushing, so I think it looks fine.
	C. I think my hair looks fine, for my mother believes it needs a little more brushing.
	D. I think my hair looks fine, but my mother believes it needs a little more brushing.
-----THE END-----

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