Ôn tập học kỳ II môn Tiếng Anh 12


      Task 1: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

      1. A. endangered                 B. destroyed                              C. damaged                     D. provided

      2. A. attitude                        B. survive                                  C. introduce                      D. human

      3. A. medicine                     B. priority                                  C. crisis                           D. primary

      4. A. chemical                      B. which                                    C. change                        D. each

      5. A. protect                         B. commercial                           C. construction                 D. climate

         Task 2: Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

      1. A. extinction                     B. animal                                   C. classify                        D. primary

      2. A. biologist                       B. seriously                               C. commercial                  D. identify

      3. A. habitat                         B. different                                C. industry                        D. introduce

      4. A. medicine                     B. endanger                              C. addition                        D. survival

      5. A. derive                          B. provide                                 C. modern                        D. depend


      Task 1: Fill in the blanks with the words in the box


pollution                        species                measures                   protect                          extinction          

reserves                        endangered             habitat                        biodiversity                    humans 




      1. Plant and animal species which are in danger of extinction are ___________ species.

      2. Animal species around the globe are threatened with ______________ each year.

      3. The primary causes of species extinction are habitat destruction, commercial exploitation and _____________.

      4. Plant and animal extinction leads to a loss of ___________________.

      5. ___________ depend on species diversity to have food, clean air and water and fertile soil for agriculture

      6. Governments have enacted laws to _____________ wildlife from commercial trade and over hunting.

      7. A number of wildlife habitat ______________ have been established so that a wide range of endangered species can have a chance to survive and develop.

      8. There are a number of _________________ that should be taken to protect endangered animals.

      9. ____________ is the natural environment in which a plant or animal lives

      10. Different conservation efforts have been made in order to save endangered __________

Task 2: Choose the best option to complete the following sentences

      1. Many plants and species are now  in danger of _______. 

         A. expression                   B. expulsion (sự trục xuất)            C. extinction                     D. extension

      2. A lot of different conservation efforts have been made to ________endangered species. 

         A. save                            B. kills                                      C. make                           D. do 

      3. Conservation is the protection of the _________ environment. 

doc 22 trang letan 18/04/2023 2780
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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Ôn tập học kỳ II môn Tiếng Anh 12

Ôn tập học kỳ II môn Tiếng Anh 12
	2. Animal species around the globe are threatened with ______________ each year.
	3. The primary causes of species extinction are habitat destruction, commercial exploitation and _____________.
	4. Plant and animal extinction leads to a loss of ___________________.
	5. ___________ depend on species diversity to have food, clean air and water and fertile soil for agriculture
	6. Governments have enacted laws to _____________ wildlife from commercial trade and over hunting.
	7. A number of wildlife habitat ______________ have been established so that a wide range of endangered species can have a chance to survive and develop.
	8. There are a number of _________________ that should be taken to protect endangered animals.
	9. ____________ is the natural environment in which a plant or animal lives
	10. Different conservation efforts have been made in order to save endangered __________
Task 2: Choose the best option to complete the following sentences
	1. Many plants and species are now in danger of _______. 
	A. expression	B. expulsion (sự trục xuất)	C. extinction	D. extension
	2. A lot of different conservation efforts have been made to ________endangered species. 
	A. save	B. kills	C. make	D. do 
	3. Conservation is the protection of the _________ environment. 
	A. nature	B. natural	C. naturally	D. naturalize
	4. All the countries of the area have _______ to protect their wildlife but they are rarely enforced.
	A. efforts 	B. laws 	C. results 	D. reserves
	5. Mammals have been in ___________ for many millions of years.
	A. exist	B. existing	C. existence	D. existed
	6. People aim to raise _________ of the dangers of passive smoking.
	A. aware	B. awareness	C. unaware	D. unawareness
	7. We are all responsible for the ____________ of the forest.
	A. destroy	B. destructive	C. destruction	D. destructively
	8. A / An _______ species is a population of an organism which is at risk of becoming extinct.
	A. dangerous	B. endanger	C. endangere...there once were. Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them grow better crops, but these chemicals pollute the environment and harm wildlife.
	1. A. danger	B. threat	C. problem	D. vanishing
	2. A. disappeared	B. vanished	C. empty	D. extinct
	3. A. harm	B. defend	C. protect	D. serve
	4. A. hunted	B. chased	C. game 	D. extinct 
	5. A. earth	B. soil	C. land	D. area
	Task 4: Read the following passage and do the task below:
	The polar bear is very big white bear. We call it the polar bear because it lives inside the Arctic Circle near the North Pole. There are no polar bears at the South pole.
	The polar bear lives in the snow and ice. At the North Pole there is only snow, ice, and water. There is not any land. You cannot see the polar bear in the snow because its coat is yellow-white. It has a very warm coat because the weather is cold north of the Arctic Circle.
	This bear is three meters long, and it weighs 450 kilos. It can stand up on its back legs because it has very wide feet. It can use its long legs like arms. The polar bear can swim very well. It can swim 120 kilometers out into the water. It catches fish and sea animals for food. It goes into the sea when it is afraid.
	People like to kill the polar bear for its beautiful white coat. The governments of Canada, the United States, and Russia say that no one can kill polar bears now. They do not want all of these beautiful animals to die.
	Put a circle around the letter of the best answer. 
1. The polar bear lives ________. 
a. at the South Pole 	c. near the North Pole 
b. in warm countries 	d. on land 
2. At the North Pole, there is no ________ . 
a. ice 	c. snow 	b. water 	d. land 
3. People cannot see the polar bear in the snow very well because _______. 
a. it has a yellow-white coat 	c. it can run very fast 
b. it goes under the snow 	d. it goes into the water 
4. The polar bear _______________ for food. 
a. catches land animals 	c. catches sea animals and fish 
b. looks for trees 	d....f these.
	9. I can find my own way there. You ____________ wait for me.
	10. I understand the situation perfectly. You __________ explain further.
	Task 2: Choose the best answer: 
	1. You ________ ask a woman about her age. It’s not polite. 
	A. must	B. need	C. mustn’t 	D. needn’t
	2. I’ll lend you the money and you ________ pay me back till next month. 
	A. needn’t	B. mustn’t	C. need	D. must
	3. Tell her that she ________ be here by six. She is not allowed to be late. 
	A. may	B. must	C. ought to 	D. might
	4. You _______ touch that switch, whatever you do.
	A. mustn't 	B. needn't 	C. won't 	D. wouldn't
	5. Susan ___ hear the speaker because the crowd was cheering so loudly.
	A. mustn't 	B. couldn't 	C. can't 	D. needn't
	6. You _______ be rich to be a success. Some of the most successful people I know haven't got a penny to their name.
	A. needn't 	B. couldn't 	C. mayn't 	D. mustn't
	7. Visitors ___________ feed the animals at the zoo.
 	A. must	B. mustn’t	C. needn’t	D. may
	8. You _________read the whole book. The first four chapters are enough.
	A. needn’t	B. must	C. mustn’t	D. may
	9. It _________ rain today. Remember to bring an umbrella with you.
	A. must	B. may	C. needn’t	D. mustn’t
	10. He __________ be in the room. His shoes are on the carpet in front of the door.
	A. must	B. may	C. might	D. mustn’t
	Task 1: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
	1. A. picture 	B. action 	C. question 	D. future
	2. A. swallow 	B. below 	C. slowly 	D. allow
	3. A. enough 	B. loud 	C. about 	D. amount
	4. A. reading 	B. easy 	C. pleasure 	D. please
	5. A. killed 	B. enjoyed 	C. described 	D. digested
	Task 2: Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
	1. A. entertainment 	B. information 	C. difficulty 	D. understanding
	2. A. swallow 	B. subject 	C. pleasure	D. enough
	3. A. imagine 	B. important 	C. example 	D. wonderful
	4. A. different 	B

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