Tài liệu ôn tập Tiếng Anh 8 - Tuần 23, Unit 8: Vocabulary and phonics


VI. Choose the correct answer to each of the following.

1. I usually play football when I have____.

           A. spare time             B. good time                       C. no time                     D. times

2. In team sports, the two teams_____ against each other in order to get the better score.

           A. are                         B. do                                    C. make                         D. compete

3. ___draw on the walls and tables, please .

           A. Do                          B. Don't                               C. Should                      D. Shouldn't

4. Nam plays sports very often, so he looks very___.

           A. sport                      B. sports                             C. sporty                       D. sporting

5. I like watching football matches, but I am not very good____ playing football.

           A. at                            B. in                                     C. on                              D. for

6. Team sports are sometimes called_____ sports.

           A. compete                B. competition                   C. competitor               D. competitive

7. Nam's dream is to become a______                         .

           A. loser                      B. champion                       C. contest                     D. gamer

8. "I'd like to watch motor racing because it is very   ______."

           A. frightening           B. exciting                          C. excited                     D. boring

9. Marathon is considered a/an_____ sport.

           A. team                      B. individual                      C. indoor                      D. sporting

10. Tam _______three goals for our team and made it a hat trick.

           A. scores                    B. scored                            C. plays                         D. played

11. Football is an example of a ________ sport where you play with several other people.

      A. team                           B. individual                      C. indoor                        D. dangerous

12. We were very upset when our favourite team didn’t ________ even one goal.

      A. play                            B. kick                                C. point                          D. score

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Tài liệu ôn tập Tiếng Anh 8 - Tuần 23, Unit 8: Vocabulary and phonics

Tài liệu ôn tập Tiếng Anh 8 - Tuần 23, Unit 8: Vocabulary and phonics
on	B. convenient	C. comedian	D. comfortable 
4.	A. elect	B. equipment	C. enter	D. exhausted 
5.	A. goggles	B. gym	C. golf	D. regard 
6. A. last	B. basketball	C. fast	D. fantastic
7.	A. regard	B. marathon	C. racket	D. athletics 
8.	A. equipment	B. ski	C. fire	D. ring
9. 	A. sporty	B. judo	C. volleyball	D. goggles 
10.	A. skateboard	B. career	C. karate	D. adventure
II. Find one odd word A, B, C or D.
A. relax 	B. rest 	C. play 	D. study 
A. went 	B. got 	C. eat 	D. drank 
A. volleyball 	B. football 	C. chess 	D. basketball 
A. kick 	B. sporty 	C. play 	D. hit 
A. net 	B. racket 	C. bicycle 	D. ball 
A. gym 	B. athlete 	C. player 	D. swimmer 
A. swimming 	B. high jump 	C. running 	D. marathon 
A. hobby 	B. interest 	C. music 	D. pastime 
9.	A.skiing	B.boxing	C.running	D.saying
10.	A.go	B.sports	C.cycle	D.play
11.	A.swimming	B.stadium	C.match	D.gym
12.	A. football	B.chess	C.soccer	D.baseball
13.	A.ball	B.hit	C.score	D.kick
14.	A. stadium	 B. yesterday	 C. tomorrow	 D. Monday
15.	A. left	 B.turn	 C. right	 D. ahead
III.	Fill do, go, play the words or phrases from the box into the correct column.
1housework 6...fishing	11table tennis 16..athletics
2soccer 7...skating	12shopping	 17..rugby
3camping 8....jogging	13.gymnastics 18. exercise
4.aerobics 9badminton 14.tennis	 19.swimming
5.cycling 10..volleyball	15..homework 20..video games
IV. Complete the sentences with the correct form of do or play. 
1. Do you often . exercises? 
2. My Dad.football for the town team when he was young. 
3. My sister enjoys . table tennis in her free time 
My brother . basketball for the school team. 
We .gymnastics at school yesterday. 
I like .tennis. 
My friend .judo twice a week. 
My mother .yoga at the new sports centre. 
V. Give the names of the sports, using the words or phrases given. 
1.	:	bicycle, pedals, tyre, cap. 
2.	:	gloves, ring, heavyweight, champion. 
3.	:	ball, low net, table, round bats. 
4. 	:	ball, kick, score, goal, referee. 
5...itor	D. competitive
7. Nam's dream is to become a______	.
	A. loser	B. champion	C. contest	D. gamer
8. "I'd like to watch motor racing because it is very	______."
	A. frightening	B. exciting	C. excited	D. boring
9. Marathon is considered a/an_____ sport.
	A. team	B. individual	C. indoor	D. sporting
10. Tam _______three goals for our team and made it a hat trick.
	A. scores	B. scored	C. plays	D. played
11.	Football is an example of a ________ sport where you play with several other people.
	A. team	B. individual	C. indoor	D. dangerous
12.	We were very upset when our favourite team didn’t ________ even one goal.
	A. play	B. kick	C. point	D. score
13.	Badminton requires only a net, a racket, and a birdie or ________.
	A. ball	B. ski	C. shuttlecock	D. goggles
14.	The person who makes sure that a game is played according to the rules is called a ___.
	A. coach	B. Climbing	C. Not to climb	 D. Don’t climb
15.	________ spectator sports in Britain are cricket and football.
	A. More popular	B. The more popular 	C. Most popular	 D. The most popular
16.	Basketball is one of the 	 popular games.
	A. many	B. more 	C. most	D. much
17.	Playing sports helps me get 	.
	A. free	B. fitter	C. fittest	D. bored
18.	My brother usually plays football when he has	.
	A. spare time	B. good time	C. times	D. a time
19.	There are many sports activities 	 school children.
	A. to	B. for	C. of	D. in
20.	I like skating, but I am not very good	 going skating.
	A. at	B. with	C. of	D. for
21.	There are many sports activities	school children.
	A. to	B. for	C. of	D. to
22.	Remember to	strictly at the swimming pool.
	A. take	B. follow	C. do	D. dip
23.	does your father like? - He likes tennis.
	A. What's sport	B. What sport	C. Which sports	D. When
24.	My best friend like to watch motor racing because it is very	.
	A. exciting	B. excited	C. boring	D. bored
25.	Hoa	 three goals for my team and he made it a hat trick.
	A. scores	B. scored	C. played
I. Put th...I/ He/ She/ It (số ít) + was
	S = We/ You/ They (số nhiều) + were
Ví dụ:
	I was very tired yesterday. (Ngày hôm qua tôi cảm thấy rất mệt.)
	My parents werein Nha Trang on their summer holiday last year.
	(Năm ngoái bố mẹ tôi đi nghỉ mát ở Nha Trang.)
1.2.	Phủ định:
S+ was/were + not
Đối với câu phủ định ta chỉ cần thêm "not" vào sau động từ "to be".
was not = wasn't
were not = weren't
Ví dụ:
	My brother wasn't happy last night because of losing money.
	(Tối qua anh trai tôi không vui vì mất tiền)
	We weren't at home yesterday.(Hôm qua chúng tôi không ở nhà.)
1.3.	Câu hỏi:
Were/ Was + S ?
Yes, S + was/ were.
No, S + wasn't/ weren't.
	Câu hỏi ta chỉ cần đảo động từ "to be" lên trước chủ ngữ.
Ví dụ:
	Was she tired of hearing her customer's complaint yesterday?
	(Côấy có bị mệt vì nghe khách hàng phàn nàn ngày hôm qua không?)
	Yes, she was./ No, she wasn't. (Có, cô ấy có./ Không, cô ấy không.)
	Were they at work yesterday? (Hôm qua họ có làm việc không?
	Yes, they were./ No, they weren't. (Có, họ có./ Không, họ không.)
2.1.	Khẳng định:
S + V-ed
Trong đó:
S: Chủ ngữ
V-ed: Động từ chia thì quá khứ đơn (theo quy tắc hoặc bất quy tắc)
Ví dụ:
	We went to the gym last Sunday.
	(Chủ nhật tuần tnrớc chúng tôi đến phòng tập thểhình.)
	My mum did yoga at new sports centre yesterday.
	(Ngày hôm qua mẹ tôi đi tập yoga ở một trung tâm thể dục thể thao mới.)
2.2.	Phủ định:
S + did not + V (nguyên thể)
Trong thì quá khứ đơn câu phủ định ta mượn trợ động từ "did + not" (viết tắt là "didn't"), động từ theo sau ở dạng nguyên thể.)
Ví dụ:
	He didn't come to school last week.
	(Tuần trước cậu ta không đến trường.)
	Wedidn't see him at the cinema last night.
	(Chúng tôi không trông thấy anh ta tại rạp chiếu phim tối hôm qua.)
2.3.	Câu hỏi:
Did + S + V(nguyên thể)?
Trong thì quá khứ đơn với câu hỏi ta mượn trợ động từ "did" đảo lên trước chủ ngữ, động từ theo sau ở dạng nguyên thế.
Ví dụ:

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