Đề kiểm tra khảo sát chất lượng 45 phút môn Tiếng Anh 8 (lần 1)

II.Choose the word or phrase that best completes Each sentence below.(2m)

1.The sun _________in the east and sets in the west.

A. rise                       B. rose              C. rises                                     D. rising

     2. They are…………………….to have a lot of friends.

A. enough luck            B. lucky enough          C. enough lucky    D. luck enough             

  3.Dave has a good_________of humor.

A. sense                                       B. scene                              C. scent         D. cent

   4._________does Lien live? ~ In Hue.

A. What                                       B. Which                            C. Who         D. Where         

   5.Don’t put the box there. - Put it _________. 

A. near                                        B. here                                C. that       D. nearby

   6.Sorry, Jenny’s not here now. Can I take a(n) _________?

A. message              B. advice                    C. news                       D. information

  7.Mary, you _________ the exam if you don’t work more. 

. A. will fail                                 B. are failing                      C. fail     D. failed

  8.My mother ……………… go to work ar 6.30 because her office is far from home.

 A. should to          B. must                        C. ought               D. need 

  9. You must not let children play in the kitchen because it a … place to play.

  A. suitable                 B. beautiful           C. dangerous                     D. safe

10. Our children often make the bed …………….…..I needn’t help them.

A. ourselves                B. theyselves   C. themselves  D. yourself

doc 2 trang Khải Lâm 30/12/2023 560
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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Đề kiểm tra khảo sát chất lượng 45 phút môn Tiếng Anh 8 (lần 1)

Đề kiểm tra khảo sát chất lượng 45 phút môn Tiếng Anh 8 (lần 1)
. will fail 	B. are failing 	C. fail D. failed
 8.My mother  go to work ar 6.30 because her office is far from home.
 A. should to	 B. must 	 C. ought 	 D. need 
 9. You must not let children play in the kitchen because it a  place to play.
 A. suitable 	 B. beautiful 	 C. dangerous 	 D. safe
10. Our children often make the bed ...I needn’t help them.
A. ourselves	B. theyselves	C. themselves	D. yourself
III.Give correct form of verbs in brackets(2m)
 1.Susan wants a new dress for Saturday. 
 She ( buy)................................... a new dress.
 2.The moon ( move) ........................................ around the earth.
 3.They ( watch) ....................................... television at the moment 
 4.You ought to (get up).....................earlier.
IV. Give the correct forms of the words in capital ( 1 m )
1.The .of the telephone made Bell famous. INVENT
2. After his parents died he was sent to an. ORPHAN
3. Lan is my new....She is very prrety CLASS
4. It is dangerous to put a knife in ansocket. ELECTRIC
V. Read the text then answer True or False (2m )
	John was 10 years old and he is very lazy. He had to go to school but he was very unhappy and tried to do as little work as possible. His mother and father were both doctors and they hoped that John would become one too when he grew up. But one day he said to his mother: “ When I finish school, I want to become a gabbage collector
1..John was a hard-working boy at school.
2. He was unhappy to go to school.
3. His parents were both teachers.
4. His parent wanted him to become a doctor when he grew up.
VI. Rewrite the sentences with the meaning unchanged ( 2 m)
1.Bao is too young to cycle to school.
Bao is not..
2.What is your grandfather’s age?
How ?
3It takes Minh two hours to do his homework everyday.
Minh spends..
4.Mai’s hair is long,curly and black.
Mai has.

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