Đề thi tuyển sinh Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh


Part 1: (25 points)

Choose the best answer among A,B,C or D:

1.  This summer resort is absolutely wonderful and I’d        it to anyone.

A. recommend B. talk C. accommodate D. praise

2.   We had to walk since we couldn’t            to take a bus.

A afford B. be wealthy C. supply D. furnish

3.   Our life would be very difficult without  

A. luxury furniture B. water C. saving-labor machines D. electricity

4.   After retiring, my aunt spent her   on an expensive holiday.

A. dollars B. accounts C. savings D. cheques

5.   A lot of people left school at 16 and they now. leaving so early.

A. sorry B. regret C. confuse D. worry

6.   Remember...... the door before going to bed.

A. locking B. to lock C. locked D. not locking

7.   Nancy talks as if she.... everything.

A. knows B. had known C. knew D. not know

8.   Many things which we can do now couldn’t        years ago.

A. do B. done C. being done D. be done

9.   When I first visited Moscow, I couldn’t get used the cold weather.

A. with B. to C. for D. in

10.  They insisted she......... the party.

A. attended B. attends C. to attend D. attend

11.  We can't go wrong if we  the instructions.

A. follow B. take C. guide D. keep

12.  Some of my friends are taking extra classes in English..... become tourist guides.

A. so that B. so as C. in order that D. so as to

13.  Michael and his friend were badly injured in the last match, so can play today.

A. both of them B. either one of them C. neither of them D. not any of them

14.  Mary put a..... on the letter.

A. five-cents stamp B. five-cent stamp C. stamp of five cents D. five-cent stamps

15.  We quarreled..... the choice of a house.

A. on B. over C. for D. to

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