Tài liệu ôn tập Tiếng Anh 7 - Unit 8: Films

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using  "although, despite, in spite of, however, nevertheless". Sometimes, two answers are possible.

1. I think I did ok in my speech last night, ___________________I’d had almost no sleep for 24hours.
2. ___________________I heard the telephone ring, I didn’t answer it.
3. We enjoyed our holiday ___________________ the rain.
4. ___________________he got top marks at high school, he never went to university.
5. ___________________there was no electricity, I was able to read because I had a candle.
6. She failed the test ___________________ she studied hard.
7. ___________________ difficulties, the firemen managed to save many people who were caught in the fire.
8. Everyone thought she would accept the offer. ___________________, she turned it down.
9. Carol arrived at the meeting ___________________ I asked her not to be there.
10. It looks like they’re going to succeed ___________________ their present difficulties.


Exercise 5. Rewrite the following sentences. Use NO MORE THAN two words.

1. Although he is sick, he learns really hard.
    In spite of ___________________ sickness, he learns really hard.
2. Tom went to school even though it rained heavily.
    Tom went to school despite the ___________________.
3. Jane finished her work on time though she wasn’t very good at it.
    Jane finished her work on time ___________________ of her being not good at it.
4. Despite having been through the tough time, David failed in the end.
    David failed in the end although he ___________________ through the tough time.
5. Regardless of the bad weather, Elsa made it to the final round.
    Although the weather ___________________, Elsa made it to the final round.

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Tài liệu ôn tập Tiếng Anh 7 - Unit 8: Films
           (Mặc dù nhỏ tuổi, cậu ấy biểu diễn xuất sắc.)
Lưu ý: Khi dùng although, despite, in spite of ta không dùng but và ngược lại khi dùng but ta không dùng although, despite, in spite of.
Ví dụ :
             Although he is so young, he performs excellently.
             (Mặc dù cậu ấy quá trẻ, cậu ấy biểu diễn xuất sắc.)
             Despite/ in spite of being so young, he performs excellently.
             (Mặc dù quá trẻ, cậu ấy biểu diễn xuất sắc.)
            He is so young, but he performs excellently.
            (Cậu ấy quá trẻ, nhưng cậu ấy biểu diễn xuất sắc.)
Chúng ta sử dụng however và nevertheless để thể hiện sự tương phản giữa hai câu. Chúng ta thường dùng dấu phẩy sau chúng
1. However (bất kể như thế nào, tuy nhiên, dù cho... thế nào đi nữa)
Chúng ta đặt however ở ngay đầu câu trước dấu phẩy         
However, Subject + verb
Ví dụ :
         He is so young. However, he performs excellently.
         (Cậu ấy quá trẻ. Tuy nhiên, cậu ấy biểu diễn xuất sắc.)
2. Nevertheless (tuy nhiên, tuy thế mà)
Nevertheless, Subject + verb
Ví dụ :
            He is so young. Nevertheless, he performs excellently.
            (Cậu ấy quá trẻ. Tuy nhiên, cậu ấy biểu diễn xuất sắc.)
Lưu ý: However, nevertheless là trạng từ nên có thể bổ nghĩa cho tính từ và trạng từ.
However/ nevertheless + adjective or adverb
Ví dụ :
          However cold the weather is, I will go out now.
         (Dù cho thời tiết có lạnh thế nào đi nữa, tôi vẫn đi ngoài.)
          Nevertheless cold the weather is, I will go out now.
          (Tuy thời tiết lạnh thế mà, tôi vẫn đi ngoài.)
Exercise 1. Complete the sentences. Use "although" + a clause from the box.
Example: Although I watched the film twice, I didn't understand it.
they spent a lot of money on the film
few people came to see it
it was a comedy
it is set in modern times
the acting is excellent
1. We enjoyed the film at th... The film didn’t receive good reviews from critics.  ___________________, many people went to see it.
2.  ___________________ the silly story, many people enjoyed the film.
3. They spent millions of dollars on making the film.  ___________________, it wasn’t as successful as expected.
4.  ___________________ Jaws is one of Spielberg’s first films, it is one of his best.
5.  ___________________ the film was a bit frightening, I really enjoyed it.
Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using  "although, despite, in spite of, however, nevertheless". Sometimes, two answers are possible.
1. I think I did ok in my speech last night, ___________________I’d had almost no sleep for 24hours.
2. ___________________I heard the telephone ring, I didn’t answer it.
3. We enjoyed our holiday ___________________ the rain.
4. ___________________he got top marks at high school, he never went to university.
5. ___________________there was no electricity, I was able to read because I had a candle.
6. She failed the test ___________________ she studied hard.
7. ___________________ difficulties, the firemen managed to save many people who were caught in the fire.
8. Everyone thought she would accept the offer. ___________________, she turned it down.
9. Carol arrived at the meeting ___________________ I asked her not to be there.
10. It looks like they’re going to succeed ___________________ their present difficulties.
Exercise 5. Rewrite the following sentences. Use NO MORE THAN two words.
1. Although he is sick, he learns really hard.
    In spite of ___________________ sickness, he learns really hard.
2. Tom went to school even though it rained heavily.
    Tom went to school despite the ___________________.
3. Jane finished her work on time though she wasn’t very good at it.
    Jane finished her work on time ___________________ of her being not good at it.
4. Despite having been through the tough time, David failed in the end.
    David failed in the end although 

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