Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 6 - Unit 6: Places (Lesson 1) - Nguyễn Mai Anh

I. Pre - Reading

1. Vocabulary

- a lake (n):cái hồ

- a  river (n):con sông

- a tree (n):Cái cây

- a flower (n):bông hoa

- a rice paddy (n):cánh đồng lúa

- a park (n):công viên

2. Open – prediction:

Hello, my name’s Thuy.

 I’m twelve and I’m a student.

I have a brother, Minh. He’s twenty.

 We live in a house near a lake.

Our house has a yard.

It’s a beautiful here.

There is a river and a lake.

There is a hotel near the lake.

There is a park near the hotel.

There are trees and flowers in the park.

There is a rice paddy near our house.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 6 - Unit 6: Places (Lesson 1) - Nguyễn Mai Anh

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 6 - Unit 6: Places (Lesson 1) - Nguyễn Mai Anh
ar our house. 
I. Pre - Reading 
What’s there, near Thuy’s house? 
I. Pre - Reading 
1. Vocabulary 
a lake (n) 
a river (n) 
a tree (n) 
a flower (n) 
a rice paddy (n) 
a park (n) 
2. Open – prediction: 
II. While - reading 
1. Guessing words 
2. Comprehension questions 
2. Comprehension questions 
a. How old is Thuy ? 
b. What does she do?	 
c. What’s her brother’s name? 
d. How old is he? 
e. Where does Thuy live?	 
f. What’s there, near the house? 
"Find the gift" 
a. How old is Thuy ? 
=> Thuy is twelve years old. 
b. What does she do?	 
=> She is a student. 
c. What’s her brother’s name? 
=> His name is Minh . 
d. How old is he? 
=> He is twenty years old. 
e. Where does Thuy live? 
=> Thuy lives in a house near the lake. 
f. What’s there, near the house? 
=>There is a river, a hotel, a park and a rice paddy 
near the house. 
S1: What is this? 
S1: What are these? 
S2: It’s a rice paddy. 
S2: They are trees. 
 Model sentences : 
What is there / are there near the house? Near the house, there is a river, a lake, a hotel, a park and a rice paddy field. 
II. While - reading 
What is this / that? 
 It is a lake 
 It is a rice paddy 
 It is a hotel 
 It is a river 
What is these / those? 
They are trees 
They are flowers 
Structure ( Miêu tả cảnh vật gần nhà ) 
There is a. near  
There are near. 
b. There / trees /our house 
a. There / river /our house 
c. There / trees /river 
-> There is a river near our house 
-> There are trees near our house 
-> There are trees near the river 
III. Post - reading 
Write . Complete the sentences 
Our house has a yard .It’s near a rice paddy 
There is a hotel near the lake 
There is a river and a park 
There are trees and flowers in the park 
Picture drill 
UNIT6: Places – Period 31th - Lesson 1: A1,2 

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