Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 21 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Trường THCS Đất Bằng


Lesson 2 : A3,4,6- How do you feel?


- To introduce the theme of the unit: The body

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and answer about your feeling and things they want, to make polite offers and requests with “What would you like...?’’ and “ I’d like some ...”

1. Knowledge:

+ Vocabulary: orange juice, want = would like, noodles, like, matter, a hot drink

+ Grammar:  Structures: + What would you like? I’d like some orange juice

+ How do you feel? I’m .............

+ Would you like...........?

                                                      + What’s the matter?

2. Skills: Integraded skills

+ Main skill: speaking, listening,  writing

+ Sub skill:    reading 

3. Attitude:

Helps Ss to be eager to take part in activities related to the grammar points in the lesson.

4. Competences: 

- General competences: problem – solving, communication, creation and cooperation

- Specific competences: ask and answer about your feeling and things they want, to make polite offers and requests with “What would you like...?’’ and “ I’d like some ...”


- textbook, pictures, flipcharts, cassette

C. Procedures:

1. Organization:  - Greeting

                             - Checking attendance

doc 9 trang letan 13/04/2023 2120
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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 21 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Trường THCS Đất Bằng

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 21 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Trường THCS Đất Bằng
ic competences: ask and answer about your feeling and things they want, to make polite offers and requests with “What would you like...?’’ and “ I’d like some ...”
- textbook, pictures, flipcharts, cassette
C. Procedures:
1. Organization:	- Greeting
	- Checking attendance
2. Warm – up: (5’)	Hang man game.(to guess one word Which is four letters)- RECOGNITION ). _ _ _ _ _ (drink)
- Dives the class into two teams.
- After one minute ,Ss guess letter or all word. 
- The Ss who guess the letter will win the game.
- T hangs some pictures about hot weather and lead in the new lesson .
T hangs some pictures. And asks some questions:
How does she feel?
How does he feel?...
What do you want? 	 I want a hot drink.
Ss answer...
3. The new lesson :
a. Presentation: (10’) Activity 1:
T presents new words. (Ss can understand and usesome new words- RECOGNITION ).
T presents new words. Ss reads , understand and use 
T uses picture, examples, explains to teach new words. 
a. Vocabulary: (Picture)
- T presents some new words by using the pictures:
Orange juice (n)
A drink (a hot drink/ a cold drink)
Noodle (n)
Want = would like
- Repetition: Chorus – groups - individual
- Checking – up: T says the words in VietNamese, Ss say them English.
Activity 2:(can use new structure andknow the dialogue A6 – p. 106). (UNDERSTANDING) .
a. Presentation 1: A6 – p. 106
Introduction: Nhan is asking Dung about her feeling and want.
- T reads the dialogue and explains “ What’s the matter = How do you feel?”
- Ss listen and repeat.
b. Model sentences:	+ What do you want? 	 I want a hot drink.
	 does she	 she wants
Hỏi và trả lời về ý muốn (Hỏi ai đó muốn gì?)
What + do/ does + S + want?
She + want/ wants....
Activity 3:(works in pairs to ask and answer)(UNDERSTANDING) .
c. Practice: Word cue drill
- Ss works in pairs to ask and answer
	1. Hot/ cold drink	Ex: S1: What’s the matter, Nam/
	2. Hungry/ noodles	 Nam: I’m............... feel?	à	cold, hungry
................... like? 	æ	some noodles ......... feel?
................... thirsty 	å ........... like?
........ some orange juice
S1: How do you feel?	S2: I’m cold and hungry.
S1: What would you like?	S2: I’d like some nooldes.
S1: How do you feel?	S2: I’m thirsty.
S1: What would you like?	S2: I’d like some orange juice.
4. Consolidation: (1’) summaries the main points of the lesson today.)
- T summaries the main points of the lesson today.
5. Homework: 1’
- Learn by heart the old lesson.
- Do exercises in the workbook at page ...
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 10: Lesson 3 – B1 – 2 – 3 
Week: 21	 Date of preparing: 20/01/2021
Period: 62	 Date of teaching: 25/01/2021
Lesson 3: B1,2,3: Food and drink.
- To introduce the theme of the unit: The body
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use some/ any with these is/ these are, positivies, negative and Yes/ No question to talk about and drink.
1. Knowledge:
+ Vocabulary: about the food and drink
+ Grammar: the present simple tense
2. Skills: Integraded skills
+ Main skill: speaking, listening, writing
+ Sub skill: reading 
3. Attitude:
Helps Ss to be eager to take part in activities related to the grammar points in the lesson.
4. Competences: 
- General competences: problem – solving, communication, creation and cooperation
- Specific competences: students will be able to use some/ any with these is/ these are, postivie, negative and Yes/ No question to talk about and drink.
- textbook, pictures, flipcharts, cassette
C. Procedures:
1. Organization:	- Greeting
	- Checking attendance
2. Warm – up: (7’) (Ss can write words for food and drink-RECOGNITION ).
- Ss are divided into 2 groups
- Divides the class into 2 teams
-Ss do their roles. 
-Ss give the answer.
- In five minutes, the team who writes the most words, banana, milk, vegetables, apple, meat, orange, noodles, hot drink, dread, orange juice, cold drink
Answer key: a: banana, hot drink, cold drink.
	an: apple, orange.
	Some: rice, water, milk, vegetables, meat, noodles, bread, orange juice
	Presentation Dialogue: B2 P109
- Have Ss listen to the dialogue.
- Listen and repeat.
- Practice reading in pairs.
	Comprehension (with answer key)
Ss tick (V) what’s for lunch on the list
Meat (V) 	noodles (X) 	water (V)
Rice (V) 	fruit (V) 	milk (X)
Model Sentences: (+) These’s some rice
	 (?) IS there any rice.
(-) There isn’t any rice.
(+) There are some apples
(?) Are there any apples ?
(-) There aren’t any apples.
{ Note:
Some / Any ( 1 ít, 1 vài ): Đứn trước danh từ không đếm được và danh từ đếm được ở số nhiều
Some: Được dùng trong câu khẳng định
Any: Được dùng trong câu phủ định và nghi vấn
b. Practice:	(15’) (Practice in pairs.) (- Low-application).
Picture Drill (B1- P108)
- Run through all pictures
- T models on cue
- Ss listen and repeat.
- Practice in pairs.
c. Production: (8’) (Practice in pairs yes/no question.) (- high-application).
Ex: Is there any milk? Yes, there is some milk.
 No, there isn’t any milk.
4. Consolidation: (1’) summaries the main points of the lesson today.)
- T summaries the main points of the lesson today.
5. Homework: (1’)
- Learn by heart the old lesson.	- Do exercises in the workbook at page ...
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 10: Lesson 4 – B4 – 5 
Week: 21	 Date of preparing: 22/01/2021
Period: 63	 Date of teaching: 26/01/2021
Part B4,5: Food and drink.
- To introduce the theme of the unit: The body
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use uncountable and plural food and drink nouns requests “I’d like some .........” and polite offter “ What would you like?”
1. Knowledge:
+ Vocabulary: about food and drink
+ Grammar: the present simple tense
2. Skills: Integraded skills
+ Mai

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